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​About The Ladies and Gentlemen of Horror Anthology


The Ladies and Gentlemen of Horror is a unique anthology that focuses as much on the writing and storytelling, as it does on the authors who write them. Each of the 7 Ladies and 7 Gentlemen in every edition get 10,000 words of horror (or the equevilent of manuscript space if poetry or flash), divided however they wish: poems, flash, short stories, and an in-depth biography, complete with several photos. Each contributor's segment in the publication is as unique as they are.


The Ladies and Gents of Horror comes out in three print publications on Halloween each year. They are: Ladies of Horror (year), Gentlemen of Horror (year) and a combined version of the two, Ladies and Gentlemen of Horror (year). All three also have ebook versions.


The Ladies and Gentlemen of Horror is self-published through by dark fiction writer, and Word Weavers co-founder, Jennifer L. Miller, who also seeks out the contributors, collects and compiles their work, edits, and formats all the versions of the LGOH.


Miller first conceived the idea for the LGOH in 2007, and as it was received well by writers and readers alike, she continued in 2009. In 2009, due to personal issues, Miller handed the publication off to an independent publisher who has since gone out of business. She requested the rights back in 2010, and the publisher granted them.

From late 2009 to 2012 Miller took a hiatus from writing. In late 2012, Miller contacted all of the previous contributors to the LGOH Anthology to inform them of her intent to continue the anthology. As a result, many of the contributors to the now out-of-print 2009 version were contributors to the 2013 version.


It has been brought to our attention that Sonar4 Publications released a Ladies and Gentlemen of Horror 2011. This was done without Miller's knowledge or consent, and done after her rights were granted back to her in 2010. While the publication has some great authors in it, and we recommend that you support them if you can, we must state that the 2011 publication should in no way, shape or form be associated with Miller's Ladies and Gentlemen of Horror Anthology.


Did you know? There is a Fantasy version of the LGOH, The Ladies and Gentlemen of Fantasy, you can find out more here:

This anthology is a non-profit, all proceeds are donated to the American Cancer Society. Proof of all donations can be provided. To date we have donated nearly $300 dollars to the ACS. We hope to donate much, much more in the coming years.


Thank you to everyone who supports, contributes, and promotes our anthologies - we couldn't do it without you!

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